Each year we have a tradition of decorating a little at a time each week of Advent. For example the first week of Advent we get out our Advent wreath and all the wreaths and greenery we use in the house for Christmas. On St. Nicolas feast day we put up our stockings. The second week of advent we set up our lights to represent the star the wise men were following. We also put up our creche with the wise men a bit away and baby Jesus hidden till Christmas. The third week of Advent we put up our tree. The 4th week of Advent we typically wrap presents and place then under the tree. Then on Christmas eve we decorate the tree and put up the star.
This year since week 4 of Advent is less then 24hrs long we had to improvise and wrap presents this week and set the tree decor in the corner ready for Christmas eve night. Christmas day we will place baby Jesus in the Nativity. I just love when our little home prepares for the celebration of Jesus’s birthday. It becomes a little A-frame Christmas wonderland and makes the 12 days of Christmas and the entire Christmas season so full of beauty and joy.
May you all have a Very Merry Christ-Mass!

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