If you follow us on Instagram then you most likely already know all about our little homestead life. But, if your new here and have not found us on Instagram we wanted to share a little about our current well being. A little side note, our handle on Instagram is @hornpd, we would love to connect with you there!

Last year we decided to start gardening since we found ourselves with some extra time on our hands (aka the pandemic). So we pulled out some organic seeds friends had given us along with organic seeds we ordered online at High Mowing Seeds – which we highly recommend.
To get started we decided to make raised garden beds out of old down trees we had on our property. Obviously we will need to rebuild them every few years as the wood naturally breaks down and composts, but we are totally ok with that. Not to mention we live in the national forest so right now I can look outside and see at least 10 more trees that have come down on their own in the last year. We personally prefer to work with nature and use what it provides rather than to introduce toxic materials to nature nor did we want to build our beds out of any toxic materials. We literally used an old school way of making stakes out of some of the wood and then used those stakes to hold the longer would logs in place forming wooden rectangle beds. If you would like more information on this let us know and we can share a post on it.

By the time we built our beds and trucked in a load of organic compost to fill the beds it was the beginning of June. We had a feeling it was too late to plant anything but we took a go at it any way. Last year most of our crops stated out looking amazing but then busted due to the summer heat. We were able to harvest zucchini, butternut squash, green beans, tomatoes and a few watermelon. And I think like one cucumber.
But this year we tried again and I planted the week after Easter. This year we decided we would follow the biblical calendar when it came to planting. The biblical calendar we Catholics follow is based off the Lunar Cycle rather than the modern calendar which is based off the Sun Cycle.
WOW what a BIG difference, I have found that for planting the Lunar Calendar is way more precise and yields much better results!

We have also used our watering time this year (which typically takes 20mins to water all the plants + trees) as a time to pray the rosary each day. It has been so transforming fo our hearts, minds, bodies and souls. Not to mention the extra prayer time may have just been so pleasing to the Lord that he has blessed us this year with an AMAZING harvest!
This year we have gathered baskets full of radishes, beets, carrots, green beans, purple beans, french peas, sugar snap peas, strawberries, zucchini, summer squash, cucumber, lettuce and more.
We currently also have so many things ripening for harvest including watermelon, grapes, tomatoes, cantaloup, pumpkins, corn and more. God has been so generous in blessing us abundantly.
Some have asked what is our secret to such a full garden and I would say, know that it all comes from God and his bounty. We can plant the seeds, but only He is the author of life and makes it grow. Pray daily and be thankful for your garden. No prayers go unnoticed by our Lord. He is our provider.
Well that’s it for now. Have a wonderful week!
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