My birthday has finally arrived and I woke up extremely thankful for the blessing of being alive for 37 years. Everyday I owe to a Glorious God who is LOVE, GIVES LOVE + LOVES ME SO. I am His. I am also so very thankful for my amazing beloved parents who put up with me and my opinionated self. During my teenage years I was bit stubborn and headstrong to say the least. But their even stronger guidance, patients, love, kindness and awesome direction protected me + steered me through my wonder years.
To my amazing friends + family…
Words can’t even begin to say how dear to my heart you all are. You make me a better person with your love, honesty and support. Every aspect of my life has been wonderusly impacted because of you. Thank you for your hugs, smiles, inside jokes, shoulders to cry on, hands to hold, adventures to walk through together and amazing memories. And I look forward to making so many many more memories with you all!
And to my true love, my husband…
Each and every birthday just gets better and better because you are apart of them. Every year as our hearts grow closer and we journey this life together I thank God. I thank God for you. Thank you for your support, love, compassion, kindness, big bear hugs, snugly mornings and red beard kisses.
I know I don’t say thank you as often as I should to all of you for being in my life. Please except this THANK YOU and know that from here on our there will be so many more to come. I LOVE YOU ALL and thank you for such and AMAZING BIRTHDAY! This leads me to this weeks Peaks & Valleys.
This week’s VALLEYS go to…
•Doctor visit on my birthday!
•No chocolate this week due to the tummy problems… need I say more.
This week’s PEAKS go to…
• Birthday love from family + friends.
• Chicken Coop. I am so totally stoked, we started building a chicken coop this week. Very soon we will have soft fluffy yellow baby chicks that will grow up to give us beautiful organic eggs.
• Snake removal. Yesterday there was a rat snake in our garage, however Brandon and the community were all at a day meeting an hour away. So I decided to pick him up and move him out myself. He was not aggressive towards me so I stayed calm (even though my heart was about to explode though my chest) and gently picked him up with my hands. I walked him across the street and put him back down. We shared a moment and he was on his way. Holding him actually felt pretty cool, I was imagining myself as a great lion tamer. I figured God created it, I took time to appreciate His creation and it worked out for both me + the 2 1/2 foot snake.
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