Being timid and shy will not get “the shot”. As wedding photographers we need to be confident, outgoing, bold yet polite and kind to document a moment. Also timing is so key. On the wedding day we think ahead to get in the right position for key moments as to not disrupt the event. The day is not about us it is about our couple.

During the ceremony we do move around however I, Michelle, stay behind the last row of guest and shoot with my telephoto lens so they never notice me moving. Brandon stays off to the side and also shoots with a telephoto lens.
When it comes to formal family photos clients expect us to be bold and confident yet polite and kind when it comes to gathering everyone for photos and positioning them. We also enlist one family member to help with names and faces.
At the reception anything can happen… a surprise gift for the couple may be given, an off the cuff amazing dip after the first dance may occur or sometime during the reception a groom gets hoisted up into the air by his groomsmen. So for this reason we are always on our toes and move quickly into place to document these exciting but not planned moments. For this you must be bold but polite to move through the crowd quickly to get “the shot”.
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