Highlight Reel
2018… FILLED OUR HEARTS with abundant joy, beyond beautiful couples, epic adventures, and so many wonderful surprises! Thank you to all the AMAZING couples who hiked mountains with us in high heels and suits, climbed waterfalls with adventurous hearts, danced through vineyards on a whim with great big smiles + wonderful sounds of laughter. And cheers to those that ventured through the cities with us exploring hidden gems of wondrous beauty. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your world, a part of your story… to take your story and creatively tell it through our lenses. You have blessed us to the moon and back and we are so grateful! This year has marked 9 years in business and each day it only gets better and better because of you.
2018 left us with…
*Clients who have become beautiful friends
*Stories that have changed our life and widened our hearts
*Memories that will last us a lifetime
*And the knowledge that one day we will look back on all this and say, that was our life, it was a dream come true
We are so looking forward to 2019 and all it will hold. We trust in God to bring us through with a deeper love for everyone we meet, for each other and for Him!
This 2018 highlight reel is dedicated to all of you… we LOVE Y’ALL, CHEERS!!
2018 Year2018 Year In Review Highlight Reel from Horn Photography & Design on Vimeo.
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