I recently read a great post on Vatican News called “The Catholic roots of Halloween, the Vigil of All Saints’ Day” By Christopher Wells. In a quick and easy read it does a great job sharing how Halloween came about.
“Although Halloween has been embraced by the secular world, its foundations are firmly rooted in Catholic tradition. Dr Malcolm Brown of the Alcuin Institute for Catholic Culture explains the significance of All Hallows’ Eve.”
The audio for the above is on the Vatican article as well.
Below is a little snippet from the post and a link to read the full post:
In the modern world, and especially in English speaking countries, Halloween has become one of the most important holidays of the year, with millions of children and adults dressing up as their favourite heroes, superstars, ghouls and goblins.
While some people have connected Halloween to earlier pagan celebrations of the new year, Halloween actually has significant Catholic roots. The name itself comes from All Hallow’s Eve – that is, the Vigil of All Saints’ Day, when Catholics remember those who have gone before us to enter…
Read full article here: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/2019-10/the-catholic-roots-of-halloween-the-vigil-of-all-saints-day.html
Have a Happy Halloween!
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