I finally made and organic hair gel I LOVE!!

And per several Instagram requests I am now sharing the recipe. I wanted to make sure it worked well for a least 2 weeks before I shared.
Over the past year I have heard about using flax seed to create and awesome gel and since we use flax seeds every day in our smoothies I thought I would give it a try with my own spin on it.
Because I have naturally curly + dry hair and my hair color is all natural (grays and all) I needed something that held my curls while also conditioning them + adding a little shine. With that in mind a came up with a recipe that uses flax seeds along with other organic ingredients which I knew conditioned and added shine.
First I make my Flax Seed Gel which is super simple:
This take all of about 7min to make.
-1/4 cup of organic flax seeds
– 1 cup filtered water
1. Add both the flax seed and water to a saucepan.
2. Turn heat on high
3. Stir seeds the entire time as water heats up
4. Once water boils stir softly + constantly
5. When you see a thin, foamy jelly on top, turn the heat down to medium, and keep stirring, watching for the point when you can let the seeds settle for a second and they suspend in the clear jelly instead of sinking to the bottom.
6. Once that happens immediately shut off the heat and pour the liquid and seeds into a strainer over a bowl.
7. Let the liquid strain as you clean out your sauce pan.
8. Once strained check for any seeds that may have made it through the strainer and remove. Let gel cool completely.

While my gel is cooling I then make up a deep conditioning curl mask I use once a month.
Conditioning Curl Mask Recipe:
This take about 5 mins to make
– 1 tbsp organic aloe vera gel
– 1 tbsp raw honey
– 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (where to get it)
– 1 tbsp organic shea butter
– ½ tbsp organic coconut oil
Optional: 5 drops of organic rosemary essential oil + 5 drops of organic lavender essential oil
1. Place all ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir until well combined and forms a rich cream.
Once the hair mask is done I add 1 tablespoon of the mask into my flax gel and mix well.
And that is it my friends. The perfect gel for my hair type. If your hair is more oily don’t add the cream just do the flax gel. Also the remaining hair mask I typically use that night. About an hour before my shower I will put in the cream and let it sit. Then I wash it out when I shower.

P.S. This guy love how soft my hair is when I use it along with the sent of lavender and rosemary.
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