The blog For Your Marriage gave a tip to “Pray, pray, and pray some more”. And we could not agree more. They even expanded at bit on how to do that, below is what they noted:
“Now is the perfect time to start praying daily with your future spouse; wedding-planning stress gives ample opportunity to share your concerns with the Lord! A great way to incorporate prayer into wedding planning is by reading through the Scripture readings and prayer options for your wedding ceremony slowly, letting the words sink into your hearts. Another great idea is to host a Eucharistic Holy Hour the evening before your wedding for your bridal party and family. And remember to say a quick prayer – together or separately – on your wedding morning!”
Fourteen years ago, well before the For Your Marriage blog existed, we did all the above listed as our Priest recommended how to prayerfully layout our wedding ceremony. We both love adoration so we decided to do a Holy Hour after our rehearsal dinner with family + friends, the totally Holy Spirit inspired. And also divinely inspired was the draw to go to confession right before our wedding, literally the hour before – it was the most beautiful thing we could have done to start out marriage.
Two More Recommendations
However, there is two more things we would add to that list, first, learn to pray out loud with each other and for each other on a weekly basis while you are engaged. Second, attend daily Mass with each other as often as you can. These two things set the tone for both our dating life, helping us stay chase and our married life, helping us to be totally, fully, faithfully and fruitfully in love with one and other.

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